Comparison Essay: Ice Box Vs. Drop Cookie

Words: 554
Pages: 3

Every cookie differentiates from one another, whether it would be the drop method or the icebox method. The drop method is simply dropping cookies with a spoon onto a baking sheet, whereas the icebox method requires the dough to be chilled, then sliced, before one can bake the cookies. These methods being used, vary or work on countless kinds of cookies. But, the drop cookie and the icebox cookie have many types of methods that share many similarities, and have countless discrepancies towards one another in the process of making and preparing the product before an individual can actually eat the final product.
Some similarities the drop method and the icebox method have in common is refrigeration. If you refrigerate drop cookies it will make handling easier and help the cookies reduce excessive spreading in the oven. By refrigerating the cookie dough, it will helps chill the fatteners, like butter to stiffen and reduce the disproportionate cookies from spreading to much in the
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One method that differentiates from the drop method versus the icebox method is that each dough has a difference in texture and how it should be handled. Drop cookies are meant to be dropped right onto the baking sheet, since it's a soft and malleable dough that will take shape on it’s own when it’s baking. Some examples of this type of cookies vary from an assortment of chocolate chip cookies, or oatmeal cookies, However, Icebox cookies are different from the drop method. Icebox cookies need to be rolled into a cylinder-like shape, but the dough must be placed in the freezer so the dough has chilled. So when one takes it out of the freezer, it is easier to work with, so someone just cuts and puts the dough right onto the sheets than the dough gets baked. Some types of icebox cookies, tend to have the same ingredients, but with different flavoring like pistachio, cranberry, or simply a plain sugar