Comprehensive Testing Persuasive Essay

Words: 548
Pages: 3

Testing has long been a controversial topic for many people. If testing is a must, it only seems logical to do it at the beginning of a program to assess a student’s abilities. Students shouldn’t be responsible for approving a departmental comprehensive exam on top of their already busy schedule. If a departmental comprehensive exam is needed, it should be a part of the instructor’s job. After several semesters of college level classes in an area of interest, students either have the skills or they don’t. One last exam is not going to prove they are ready to take on the challenge of their chosen career. With that, learning styles vary from person to person let’s look at how a learner might be more successful in a hands-on environment.
Hands-on learning works for a variety of career paths because the student gets to practice what they are learning in real-life experiences. For example, a nursing student might draw blood from other students in the class. This gives the learner a chance to practice what they will be doing in the real world. A student teacher often works with one or more teachers in real classrooms in their area giving them opportunities to see how students respond to various learning opportunities. A truck driver gets hands-on
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It is not a student’s responsibility to decide whether a departmental comprehensive exam should or should not be given. Exams are one way instructors can evaluate what a learner is learning, but as stated above there are other forms of learning that can be just as beneficial. Sometimes testing is not the best way to measure a student’s learning. Some people can do the work, but they cannot perform well on a written exam. There are many ways assess a student’s success, but instructors must be willing to do what is best for all students. The goal is student success, therefore; rethinking the way we evaluate a student’s success is a