Concussions In High School Football

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Pages: 4

Concussions have become something every athlete knows and fear. 47% of concussions happen in high school athletics. Without medical help an untreated concussion can give a person brain damage that will last the rest of their lives. Whether the athlete is deemed careless for the injury they have occurred in the first place or the equipment is faulty.

3,800,000 concussions were reported in 2012, that is double what the concussion report was for a decade before hand in 2002. 33% of concussion happen at practice. You would think that at practice players are being as safe and guarded just as they are on the field. Yet you would be surprised to know that 47% of these concussions are taken out on a high school football field during practices and
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When a player is hit of course the coach and team are waiting for the player to get up and get back to the game. One thing they aren’t ready for is when the player doesn’t get up. After being hit usually a player has to take a moment to get himself together and then gets back up. Yet getting sack by a guy whom may or may not be bigger than you in no joke. When a player is tackled what happens is that the brain is one of the most vital organs in a young adult is round three pound. What happens is that once you’re hit by that large force the cerebrospinal fluid, which is the fluid that is allowing your brain to basically float around your skull, doesn’t have enough time to protect your brain from making contact with the back, sides or front of your skull. After having so much trauma in such a short time span your brain starts to affect your eyesight, basic standing stability, forget about trying to walk.
Offensive and defensive linemen is the position that has the highest recorded number of concussions per season. This is due to the fact that offensive and defensive linemen are blocking others from getting to the quarterback, basically protecting the quarterback. They have the most concussions because their position requires some of the most aggressive tactics. They are blocking, tackle, pushing and pulling others to keep them from getting to the key player ; the quarterback. Because
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No, you dont always lose consciousness when a concussion occurs. It is always a possibility that there may be permanent neurological damage done. You should always have it checked by a doctor, you never actually know how bad it is until a licensed physician take a peek at it. While some people may believe that you can just tough it out until the end of a game it is not a wise or healthy decision due to the fact that you will know when you have a concussion occur because of the serious amount of pain you will have during that time. If you think you have a concussion you should get it checked out as soon as you possibly can to save yourself a lot of hurt and a lot more damage to the