Conestoga Formation

Words: 406
Pages: 2

Conestoga Formation
The Conestoga formation, that was visible in the first outcrop, was probably a marine environment of deposition. This is realized due to the presence of shale and limestone in this zone. After the deposition occurred, this rock suffered high compression stresses; this is the result of the different folds that according to table 1 they formed in different directions. Another evidence of highly stresses is the presence of veins along the outcrop.
Chickies Formation
The Chickies formation is older than the Conestoga Formation. The presence of quartzite indicates high temperature and high pressure; this may be generated due to the rocks that rested over the Chickies formation. Having sandstone as the parent rock, it is possible that the depositional environment was fluvial or marginal marine. In contrast, the idea of a marginal marine environment is also sustained by the appearance of skolithos. On the other hand, the existence of syncline, and anticline along the outcrop, gives the idea of highly stresses after the deposition; it corroborates data given in table 2 where there are variations of strike and dip of the beddings, even when they were taken in the same bedding, but in a different place.
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This feature significates that the rock came from a high-energy environment. Besides it also presents rounded grains with a majority of quartz, indicating the sediments suffered long transportation. Using these two ideas, the depositional environment might be related to a stream. In addition, the evidence of veins shows stresses that the rock should have suffered as