Confederate Soldier's Nickname

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Pages: 3

During the Civil War different brave men fought, but the average soldier was a white, single, protestant farmer who was around the ages of eighteen to twenty-nine. Confederate and Union soldiers both had nicknames. A Confederate soldier’s nickname was “Johnny Reb,” while a Union soldier’s nickname was “Billy Yank.” In the beginning, men were paid just $11 per month, however, in 1864 the Confederacy raised their soldiers’ pay to $18, while the Union raised their’s to $16.

A Confederate soldier’s uniform consisted of a slouch hat, low-heeled brogans, which were shoes, gray, butternut, or blue trousers, and gray or butternut wool shell jacket. A Union soldier wore a blue forage cap with a black leather visor, dark blue, loose flannel sack coat,
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They practiced how to face properly, dress accordingly, and how to interact with fellow soldiers. They did regimental level drills and parades and practiced guard mount and other procedures. Regimental commanders had authority to give out punishments to soldiers. Small offenses would usually result in extra duties such as chopping wood, standing extra hours on guard duty, and more. Bigger offenses would result in more embarrassing punishments such as carrying a log, standing on a barrel, or wearing a sign announcing his crime. Soldiers had fatigue duties such as gathering wood, polishing metal fittings, grooming and watering horses, clearing fields for parades and drill, and …show more content…
Some soldiers wrote letters. They would often read and re-read letters that they got from home. Soldiers also spent time playing sports. Baseball was among one of the favorite sports that they would play. They also played football, which was played more like soccer at the time. Holidays were celebrated in camp with feasts, foot races, music, boxing matches, and other contests. Religion was also a part of some soldiers’ life. Many men attended church services, to some, religion was an important part of a soldier's life. Some men even carried small testaments with them. Soldiers sometimes had animals as like dogs, cats, squirrels and other animals, that they kept as pets. Perhaps for