Conflict Managment Essay

Submitted By Dianjun-Jia
Words: 1188
Pages: 5

Conflict Management

Specific Purpose: Explain to my audience different type of conflict and how to manage them.


I. If you have a conflict with your colleague how will you do? Keep dispute or listen to each other? Most of us are facing or will face this problem.
II. One definition of conflict is a “...awareness by the parties involved of discrepancies, incompatible wishes, or irreconcilable desires” (Boulding, 1963). Conflict is an important part of any organization.
III. My presentation will divide into three main parts.
A. First I will identify three different kinds of conflict. Task conflict, process conflict and relationship conflict.
B. Then I will tell you the effect of conflict.
C. Finally, I will explain the ways to management the conflict.

Transition: First of all, I will list different kind of conflict.


I. Usually, there are three type of conflict exist in business or organizations.
A. Task conflict: conflict or disagreement over content and goals of work.
1. Sometimes when two parties have differing needs, behaviors or attitudes, they cannot promote their project.
2. It can be conflict over organizational policies and procedures, distribution of resources, or the method or means of completing a task. (Shawn Grimsley)
3. Benefits of it is encouraging creativity and increasing the understanding by identifying diverse perspectives. It also can become negative, if the task conflict can’t be controlled, it will become more serious and maybe lead to relationship conflict.

Transition: Task conflict and process conflict can be beneficial for the organization, if they are kept to low levels. So let’s look at process conflict.

B. Process conflict: conflict or disagreement over how work gets done.
1. Process conflict pertains to issues of duty and resource delegation such as who should do what or how much should one get. For example, when group members disagree about whose responsibility it is to complete a specific duty, they are experiencing process conflict. (Kristin, 2002)
2. Large groups can easily observed the process conflict, because in big teams the factors of the conflict are visible.

Transition: if task conflicts and process conflicts are not managed, they may lead to relationship conflicts.

C. Relationship conflict: conflict or disagreement based on interpersonal relationships and interpersonal interactions.
1. Due to everyone’s different personalities and value, the relationship are easily to be faced.
2. Because of its volatile and counter-productive nature, relationship conflict is considered completely destructive and harmful. (Hunbbel, 2013)
a. It has a negative impact on the individuals working in a group or organization.
b. Relationship conflict also leads to delayed projects and poor outcomes.

Transition: Conflicts is not a positive word, but since we understand these three types of conflicts, some people may ask, are conflicts always bad? The answer is no. II. The effects of conflicts.
A. Low level of conflict can enhance job performance, because it provides a healthy competition and maybe gives the motivation to some employee.
1. Some leader is happy to see the conflict between his/her subordinators.
2. Conflict sometimes arouse employee to create new ideas, and it can let them correct the weakness in their existing works.
B. High level of conflict is dangerous, because it may lead some bad emotions to employees, such as irritability, depression and anxiety.
1. People who involved in a high level conflict will easily become moody. It will negatively impact their work.
2. Those bad emotions will reduce employee’s enthusiasm, then result in the low efficiency of daily work.

Transition: Since you know the influences of conflicts, we need to find some way to solve this big problem. III. Finally, I will explain the ways to manage conflicts.
A. If the conflict has already occurred, use the Individual coping strategies to face this situation.
1. Relaxation. When the