Conformity In The Workplace

Words: 503
Pages: 3

The Lesson
After reading about the situation, the lesson that can be learned from it, is that the employees should not continue to conform to one single idea. Conformity can seem useful when a person is in a group of people that they do not know, but in a workplace environment, it is not. Employees must be able to come up with their own ideas and versions of things to better the company. With this problem, Cutting Edge is currently not growing because of the situation at hand. If different ideas were being thought of and taken into consideration, the company would prosper in it’s growth.
The Challenge
The biggest challenge as an outsider would be getting the employees to trust that my ideas can improve the company better than ever. Most people are not comfortable with change, especially if it is in the workplace that they have grown to know. When a new leader steps into a role of authority, people may be scared that they do not know what is best for the company. Being an outsider gives a leader a lot of strengths. With my succession of power, employees
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Consistency is more important than the intensity of attention and is focused on the kinds of questions that are being asked by my employees. I will continue to gain the trust of those who I work with and manage by being consistently strong in my leadership role. Being honest about my intentions with the company and always follow through with the actions that have been discussed with my employees. I will use constructive criticism to help my employees achieve their goals with the company, as well as take every idea that is given to me into consideration. The most powerful mechanism for me would be situation communication. I will be aware of the situations I find myself in and adjust my leadership styles to that of the company and my