Confucianism Essay

Submitted By dpellini
Words: 565
Pages: 3

Confucianism has been principal among the Chinese for about 2000 years, having a great influence on their politics, culture, economy, societal thinking, and more. These ideas were started by Confucius, who was the first and most significant of the men of concepts seeking to impact the rulers of the day. His ideas were sought out to keep harmony in society, improve international relations, promote the perfect personality, as well as protect the natural environment. Confucius was a teacher and philosopher, belonging to the noble class during his time. His idea of a perfect society was that all people devoted themselves to fulfill their roles: the superior looked after the inferior, those dependent on others serviced the superior, and husbands, wives, and children did what was expected of them as well. Along with this idea of a perfect society, Confucius thought education was the key to build this. He was also a very aristocratic man, believing in higher and lower classes. Another central idea of his was the value of family ties. Children should be obedient towards parents, and everyone should partake in necessary rituals. There are five cardinal relations that Confucius had believed: the relationship between father and son, older and younger brother, husband and wife, ruler and subject, and between friends. Ren is a major part of Confucianism. This is the ultimate virtue meaning humanity, perfect goodness, nobility, and benevolence. Along with this main virtue, Confucius also believed in many others including integrity, loyalty, honesty, respect, and filial piety. He believed that one should “not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.” Disciplining ones own behavior and acting with respect is a major part of Confucianism. All of Confucius’ ideas are recorded in the Analects, believing to have been written by his followers. Confucius spent years traveling and promoting his ideas of Confucianism because it was very important to him and he believed so much in it. After his death, Confucius’ ideas were challenged, but quickly defended and expanded by his followers, the most popular being Mencius. Confucianism is very significant, as it was the official philosophy of China.