Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death

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Colonialism continued through the more covert practices of the globalization project
University of Northern Colorado
Kaleipualehua Tam

Colonialism is the subjugation by physical and psychological force of one culture by another a colonizing power through military and economic conquest of territory and stereotyping the subordinated cultures. The globalization project is about market integration, legitimacy management, and resistance.). Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death describes how King Leopold II of Belgium turned Congo into its private colony between 1885 and 1908. Under King Leopold II control, Congo became a gulag labor camp of shocking brutality. Leopold posed as the protector of Africans fleeing
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King Leopold had clearly hoodwinked other European nations to give him the control of Congo. It was missionaries in Congo that Had first noticed the torture of Africans. In the new rulers of the world John Pilger investigates the realities of globalization by taking a close look at Indonesia. Pilger chose to investigate Indonesia a country once described by the world bank as model pupils until its globalized economy collapsed in 1998. The two films are different from one another but still have some similarities that can be compared to one another. Globalization has not only made the world smaller but has made it interdependent. Colonialism on the other hand has created poverty. In 1988: Recognizing the increased vulnerability of the poor caused by SAPs, IFIs create Social Emergency Fund (World Bank) and new Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility (IMF) (Chapter 6 Outline pg. 1). Colonialism and Globalization do an intercampus of cultures cause the people that were colonized are from other parts of the world. Some say that Globalization is the new Colonialism. The development project had emerged at the time colonialism was taking place. Debt regime rules restructured Third World social economies and reversed the development project (Chapter 5 outline pg. …show more content…
The globalization project involved political choices to redefine the barring’s and future of states and their civic responsibilities (McMichael Pg. 125). The globalization project superimposed open markets across national boundaries, liberalizing trade and investment rules and privatizing public goods and services. While the globalization project still shapes development initiatives and policies, there are signs that its claim (and ability) to represent the most rational development path is eroding (chapter 8 outline, pg. 1). The new rulers of the world film look at the great multinationals and the governments and institutions that back them the IMF and the World Bank. Under IMF rules, millions of people throughout the world lose their jobs and livelihood. The reality behind much of modern shopping and the famous brands is a sweatshop economy, which is being duplicated in country after country. In the new rules of the world topics such as Who really rules the world now? Is it governments or a handful of huge companies? come up. It is mentioned that the Ford Motor Company alone is bigger than the economy of South Africa. Enormously rich men, like Bill Gates, have a wealth greater