Essay about Connected Commuting: Connecting Commuters through Mobile Phone Apps

Submitted By leaffly130
Words: 7209
Pages: 29

Research and Analysis from the New Cities Foundation Task Force in San Jose

Research report cocreated with:

This study was commissioned and published by the New Cities Foundation. You can copy, download, or print this report for your own use, and you can include excerpts from New Cities Foundation publications, databases, and multimedia products in your own documents, presentations blogs, websites, and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgment of the New Cities Foundation as source and copyright owner is given. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to Request for permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the New
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Please cite this publication as:
New Cities Foundation (2012), Connected Commuting: Research and Analysis on the New Cities
Foundation Task Force in San Jose,

The New Cities Foundation would like to thank the following individuals for their thought leadership, suggestions, and participation in this project: Patrik Cerwall, Monika Byléhn, Nimish Radia, Geoff Hollingworth, Maria Akerlund, Marcus
Nyberg, and Kshitiz Singh, all from Ericsson. The Foundation also thanks Manuel Pineda from the San Jose Department of Transportation; Alexandre Bayen, Joe Butler, Greg Merritt, and Joan Walker from the University of California CITRIS;
Di-Ann Eisnor, Michal Habdank-Kolaczkowski, and Fej Shmuelevitz from Waze; Scott Kolber and Ethan Arutunian from
All pictures (except cover) by Cristian Santibanez under Creative Commons License.
Cover picture by Flickr user Richard Masoner.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary............................................................... 4
Main Findings and Recommendations.................................................. 6

Introduction......................................................................... 9
New Cities Foundation Task Force on Connected Commuting.................. 11

Part I: Commuter Sentiment Analysis....................................... 14
Summary of Key Findings.................................................................. 15
Methodology.................................................................................. 16
Data Analysis.................................................................................. 16
Waze Data Set............................................................................... 17
Roadify Data Set.............................................................................. 20
Main Findings and Recommendations.................................................. 23
Conclusion: Part I............................................................................. 24

Part II: Comparative Focus Groups..........................................27
Methodology.................................................................................. 28
Summary of Key Findings.................................................................. 29
Detailed Learning by Type of Commuter............................................... 32
Ideas to Improve Commuting.............................................................. 34
Conclusion: Part II............................................................................ 35

Connected Commuting Works............................................... 37

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Urban traffic and the difficulties of commuting are among the most intractable problems that face cities across the world. Traffic congestion and commuting inefficiencies place a heavy strain on urban infrastructure, increase pollution, damage the environment, and lead to loss of resources, time and productivity. On a personal level, commuting