Connecticut Involvement In The Civil War Essay

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Pages: 4

Connecticut involvement with the Civil War did not seem like if connecticut did a lot but mater the fact there was a lot of men that served to the army and used the uniform in the war. Many lives were risked and many men did not come back to their families and their own families wouldn't even know when he died and would just have their hearts broken and not see their special one. Many people don't hear about that Connecticut was involved in the Civil War. And Connecticut might be a small state but they do stand their ground.
The American Civil War began in South Carolina on April 12,1861 when confederate batteries in Charles Harbor opened fire on Fort Sumter Connecticut did not think about it to send over 55,000 young men over to support. And
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Also throughout the last days of Petersburg and Richmond they still fought. One of the hardest and effectives hits connecticut had was the Connecticut 14th wich arrived at Antietam and it was the bloodiest battle of the war that happened. But on Gettysburg Connecticut's 14th got some redemption by protect and defend one of the most important of the Union. Connecticut would offer those who came back from the battle home and comfort. Some people would put flags of peace saying they surrender because they had no more firearms or they lost many men that they couldn’t recover fast enough to keep the battle from going on. Many men would risk their lives to save their team from being killed. The war was very complicated and stressful because there weren't sometimes many places where soldier have been fighting for days and having no rest at all. Some men died because they had a really bad injury and the nurses couldn’t heal the wound and they would died because the bacteria would infect the whole wound. Many soldiers would surrender and quit not all battles from connecticut were won their were many battles that were lost but Connecticut would not stop only because they had battles lost they would keep on fighting until they no longer had a chance. The colonies would not leave each other to get destroyed they would help each other to not fall. Connecticut at a