Connecting with Characters in a Literary Work Essay

Submitted By TaylerLin
Words: 1103
Pages: 5

“Literature may, at times, act to hold a mirror up to the reader wherein they may glimpse a reflection of themselves.” To me, this quotation means that while reading any form of literature, the reader is able to connect to the characters in the work. Although the characters in a work of literature will not resemble the same personalities and individual values as the reader, oftentimes the reader is still able to recognize similar qualities within the characters. I agree with this quote, because I have read many works of literature in which I have been able to connect with one or more characters, whether it is through experiences, morals, interests, or any other aspect of the character’s personality. This idea is clearly established in The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Although the characters in The Crucible do not reflect the exact qualities of my personality, I am still able to make connections to them. Throughout the play, I was able to see many reflections of myself in several characters. One character that I was able to connect to as the play progressed was Reverend John Hale. One quality of Reverend Hale that stood out to me was his undying determination to find the truth for himself. In life, we are often faced with rumors, gossip, or hear things that do not seem true to us. Like Hale, I believe that whenever we encounter such situations, we should not automatically assume that what we hear is true. Instead, I believe that we should make a point to find the truth for ourselves, so that we are able to know the reality of these situations. As the play went on, Hale realized that the growing rumors spreading throughout Salem concerning witchcraft might not have all been true. Therefore, he decided to take it upon himself to find out the truth. By doing this, Reverend Hale was able to discover for himself what was true and what was untrue, regardless of what other people were saying about the matters. I have always been one who tries to do the same, because I have learned that the majority of rumors are not true. By doing the same thing as Hale and discovering the truth for myself, I am able to avoid confusion and lies, and I have learned that you should always find things out for yourself before you assume that they are true. Another character from The Crucible that resembled some of my own personal qualities was John Proctor. John Proctor was a well-known, well-respected man in the Salem community, and everyone in Salem associated his name with good. However, Proctor was not a completely good person, because he has sinned. Later on in the play, when Proctor is tried in court, he realizes his sins, and although it will cost him his life, he confesses to the court and tells the truth. Ultimately, Proctor’s honesty leads to his death. This sudden realization is an example of epiphany. Miller’s use of epiphany in Proctor’s situation adds to the suspense and excitement of this particular point in the play. I am able to connect to John Proctor because I share his values of honesty. Even though Proctor could have saved his own life by lying to the court, he knew that being honest and telling the truth to the court would ultimately result in the best in the end. He was able to realize his mistakes, admit he was wrong, and redeem himself by being honest. I always try to be the same way, because I know that lies progressively become worse in the long run. I believe that being able to realize your own mistakes and admit them honestly is a great quality to have, and being honest is always a better thing to do than starting a false lie or rumor. An additional character in the play that I am able to connect with is Mary Warren. As the play progresses, Mary Warren is faced with a very difficult situation. She has to choose whether to tell the truth about Abigail Williams to save John and Elizabeth Proctor, or side with Abigail because she is her friend. She would like to