Consider Him Essay

Submitted By jelliot1983
Words: 370
Pages: 2

Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

Consider him consider who ? Its Jesus ! Its so easy to consider so many other things and so many other people. So easy to consider the world and its attitudes. Good people and their opinions and also bad people and what they think, what this culture says we should do and what this culture says is success and important both in and out of the church but when we look to these things and consider these things then its so easy to fall into the trap of being weary and fainthearted and the reason is because we are considering the wrong thing.

Endured One of the main things that this culture and the people around us in and out of the church are saying to us is that we should not endure anything and just expect to see it all happening and when something is hard or appears to not be working just stop trying and go for something else, there is not a massive emphasis on just plugging away. Jesus King of the whole universe endured, totally undeserved and he took it because he was looking to the final day, what his suffering and enduring would achieve. He did not have a pity party or say to God get me out of here they don’t like me and they don’t want my help so lets leave them to it or figure out a different plan. He endured and we are called to do the same, in church in relationship in seeing the lost saved in seeing things fall apart around us because we know