Controversial Issues In Anne Sexton's Abortion

Words: 533
Pages: 3

Anne Sexton was born November 9th, 1928 and died October 4th, 1974 in Newton, Massachusetts. She was an American poet and was characterized by her controversial and very personal style of poetry. Anne’s complete name was, Anne Gray Harvey. She suffered during most of her life of several mental illnesses that in some way are reflected in her writing style. Anne focused most of her writing in topics such as masturbation, abortion and drug addiction between other controversial topics. Sexton’s did not like school and she was not able to concentrate during class. Therefore her teachers advised her parents to seek counseling, something that did not happen. Anne’s had also been a beautiful woman, this attracted many man that during her life caused to be accused of many infidelities to his husband, that led her to enter therapy. She has also become a fashion model for some time. Anne’s first daughter was born 1953 meanwhile her husband Alfred starts working for her Father’s business. After several mental breakdowns and suicide attempts led to intermittent institutionalization, during this time she was …show more content…
Abortion is a very sensitive subject and multiple opinions on the matter are around the world in our present time. The poem that was written back in the 1960’s, was very shocking at that time. It was not until 1970’s that The Women’s Liberation Movent for form and women started to talk more openly this topic. Anne in her poem mixes up her opinion, neither taking a side of approval or disapproval. One can see that in today’s world abortion has taken two sides, or you are pro-abortion or you are against it. Sexton’s perspective through her poem is much more complicated and shows more about a woman feelings when taking such decision as well as what are the possible reason to make a woman to do