Controversy: Prejudice In Brazil

Words: 419
Pages: 2

Yanka Faraone Azzolini RA00139382
Vera Cabrera — Pontos de Vista Second Essay: Prejudice
Second Chances
Brazil is known and appreciated by its beautiful beaches, music, food and culture in general, but one of the country's very well noted aspect is the criminal rate. According to Brazil's Department of Public Safety more than 26K people have been arrested up until now in 2015 because they were caught in the act in the city of São Paulo. Despite their crime, the country's legislation states that their maximum sentence is of 30 years, which causes a huge controversy in between the Brazilian citizens.
There is a famous saying in Brazil: "Bandido bom é bandido morto", which translates to 'a good felon is a dead felon". Many people think the easiest