Corporal Punishment In Richard Wright's Black Boy

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Pages: 3

Parenthood is a beautiful and an immensely powerful thing but there are codes that should never be broken, and that is the time when rebellion becomes mandatory. Black boy is an autobiography written by Richard Wright's, now a civil right activist, the depiction of his childhood using his experiences to build a fortification for his message that adolescent need to rebel their parents and reasons why. the adolescent should rebel when it's no longer discipline, is a sinning against morality and the absence of respect.

Adolescence should rebel against their parents when discipline has been tainted by another entity. Richard Wright parents iniquitous way of discipline is the usage of corporal punishment to achieve more authority. This way of discipline had not been birth by Wright's parents but by white supremacy. If all parents knew the repercussions of corporal punishment, and how oppressive it then it wouldn't be executed or transcend its oppressive ways to new generations. As stated by Wright about his mother after a traumatic and immensely perilous incident "you almost scared us to death" as she the leaves from a tree limb to prepare it for my back. This is a clear example that she is so immensely brainwashed
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As stated by Wright " he was a lawgiver in our family and I never laughed in presence" this shows that there is a lack of conformability between them and wright thinks of his father as a tyrant that used fear to achieve authority. This not only created fear but birthed insolence and resentment. As stated by Wright " I resented his shouting and it irked me that I could never make him feel my resentment." This shows that his father disrespects not only made his son lose respect for him but birthed a resentment of him. Parenthood's foundation is based on respect but when there is none it no longer parenthood but something awful and tainted which cumulative in a cycle of resentment and insulsolnec that needs to be broken and