Could Lady Macbeth Be The Most Evil Literature Ever?

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Pages: 3

Could Lady Macbeth Be The Most Evil Literature Ever?

Lady Macbeth, the wife of the great hero Macbeth, could be the most evil character of any literature ever. Lady Macbeth is the real reason for her Husband's downfall as a great leader. Throughout the play Lady Macbeth becomes crazy and hungry for blood, she manipulates her husband to get what she wants. Lady Macbeth is greedy and power hungry and makes a case for the most evil literature character of all time. Lady Macbeth becomes power hungry when she receives a letter in the mail in Act 1, scene 5, from the witches telling about the prophecies about her Husband which has already started to come true, she is determined to make Macbeth king. When she found out that King Duncan would be dining with them the following night she planned a gruesome murder, with the help of Macbeth to make him king. Lady Macbeth then turns her over to evil spirits to “unsex” her by saying, “ The Raven himself is hoarse That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements. Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
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Macbeth realizes that he has a very unstable mind because of the act his wife persuaded him to do. As the time moves on Macbeth becomes crazy over the witches prophecy and about loses everything and Lady Macbeth becomes mentally insane. She's grown so ill that the doctor says there's nothing he can do to help her. "The disease," he says, "is beyond" his "practice," and what Lady Macbeth needs is "the divine" (a priest or, God), not a "physician" (5.1.62,78). Lady Macbeth becomes so ill she commits suicide, she left her unstable husband to fall without any support. When Macbeth learns of her death he says there's “no time” to think about her, "She should have died hereafter; / There would have been a time for such a word"