Crack Vs Meth Research Paper

Words: 1469
Pages: 6

It is a known fact that crack and meth have quickly become two of the most deadly drugs towards babies. This is not the only problem, but also the cost that is implemented in the healthcare of these babies in order to keep them and their drug addicted mothers alive. In the following essay, I will be discussing if there any similarities in how meth and crack affect the lives of the mothers and the mothers’ family, suggestions by these article news outlets to the mother and/or the government, and at last if any of these news contents add credibility to claims that suggest drug enforcement policies are enforced differently on white and black populations in the United States. I will be doing this through the use of ethos, pathos, and logos, as well as the use of enthymemes.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where even the
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This unfortunately, is not a domestic problem other nations like Great Britain are facing this problem as well. According to an article by The Sunday Times (London),
2)”One inner London hospital, which carries out the first drug-screening project on babies, believes that up top 15% of its mothers are using crack and other hard drugs.” (The Sunday Times)
The percentage in London is a lot high than those in the U.S. The article further stated that because of their lack of experience with this epidemic they turned to the United States for a solution. Not only is this a problem, but also crack babies are more prone to many behavioral, language development, and internal brain problems. According to an article by the Washington Post,
4)”Crack-exposed babies have received growing national attention because experts have found that cocaine exposure leads to premature births, birth defects, neurological problem and an increase in sudden Infant Death Syndrome” (Washington