Crash Los Angeles Sociology

Words: 576
Pages: 3

In Paul Haggis’ the Crash Los Angeles is filled with different races and its effects on others. It showed different background on many racial ethnicities. The movie promotes racial awareness but needs a close inspection. The film seams to highlight the modern day racism, clash of cultures, and their representatives. Where the modern society has constant conflicts with each other, racial or not. Every character is given very little background information but enough to understand them. We see a mix of African Americans, Hispanic, Persian, and Asian characters. A scene will switch to another to show the character’s story line intersecting with the next. We meet the Cabot family because two young black men steal their car. The Hispanic locksmith is hired at the shop of the Persian man. These are the lead characters. An event is presented from the perspective of person and then expanded on another’s connection. Most characters have a point of which they are coming from and this point helps us understand what they do. The points include the officer’s sick father, Jean Cabot’s depression and the shopkeeper’s struggle with being a new immigrant. Each …show more content…
The first white characters are Jean and Rick cabot, well-off and confidents, yet jean grabs her husband’s arm the two black men are seen. One notices she is a typical racist for expressing her fear in a safe place. Watching the scene it is believed she is highly prejudice and following the car being stolen, one would question if she was right all along. Jean is projected as a stereotypical white women, who doesn’t work. Jean complains about her helpers. She speaks in a way that confirms her white privlege. Towards the end she realizes she is the one unhappy and calls her housekeeper her best friend. This brings her into the more positive light but that isn’t an excuse for racism. Most of these characters act with a racist behavior until a breaking