Creation Science Vs Intelligent Design Essay

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Pages: 3

Creation Science and Intelligent Design can be easily grouped together as religious ideologies, yet there is still much distinction between both movements. Both are opposed to the pure naturalistic approach on evolution yet there differences comes down to the question of authority.
Scientific Creationism is a Christian viewpoint that takes its roots in the teaching of the bible. It refers to what the bible claims about the origins of the world. There are two different groups within creationism, the “old-earth” or “young-earth” creationists who differ over the age of Earth and in the details of how God created it. Yet, both take a stand on Christian ideologies and put the scriptures above all other teachings. Creationism stands in contrast to Intelligent Design in which does not refer to one specific religion. They have no opinion to which religion view is right. ID’s do not believe the world has derived purely from chance and reason that a “designer” played a role in it. However, this designer in theory, could be anyone or anything. The ID theory,
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There is no doubt a heavy controversy about whether or not creation and evolution should be taught in school systems. We see in the Scopes trial that it was a landmark case following the creation-evolution controversy. Jennings Bryan, a conservative fundamentalist, claimed that Darwin was a threat to morality and that the taxpayers should be able to decide what is taught in the schools. (Lecture Notes 10-7). This trial really separated Modernists from Fundamentalists. Modernists held the view that evolution was not inconstant with religion. Fundamentalists, on the other hand, claimed that the bible took priority over human knowledge. The trial itself in exploring the conflict between religion and science and challenged the law that prohibits any alternative teaching of a Divine Creator and questioning what can be taught in the