Creative Writing: Brisk-September Day

Words: 689
Pages: 3

It was a brisk september day. Casey was running the high school’s cross country course. Her breath was visible in the air. The course is so pretty in the fall, she thought. Footsteps started approaching behind her. Oh no it’s Maggie Lu, she thought dreadfully. Right behind her was her worst enemy who is super competitive. Great just Great.
“Hiya Casey. How’s it going?” said Maggie in an almost to friendly tone .
“I am doing just fine Maggie” Casey said annoyingly
“Well I just wanted to get a few words in before I finish before you” boasted Maggie.
“We’ll see about that” muttered Casey. The finish was approaching and Casey started speeding up. There was no way Maggie was going to beat her. Casey was not going to risk letting Maggie
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John was working at CVS when a bunch of high schoolers walked in. Oh great he thought. They started fooling around, throwing big bundles of toilet paper on the ground and kicking it. Now I am going to have to go over there and stop them he thought dreadfully.He made a slow stern walk over to the kids. “You better stop kicking and throwing things around” He tried to say in a stern tone.
“Ohhhh what are you going to do about it” said a snotty
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Then he shouted angrily “Get out you are fired” John’s heart stopped beating What have I done he thought and he ran out the door. As he ran out the door he saw her. Laughing with her parents and friends. She was wearing a yale sweatshirt and had her sneakers over her shoulder. That made John fill with anger for she lived the life that he had once wished for himself. That's when John realised that he could take that all away.

Casey: As Casey went on her cool down lap she saw a mysterious man walking in the woods. She started to run the other way. It’s fine she thought. So instead of turning around she started back the right way. They man started up behind her she speed up. And turned her head the slights bit and he was gone.

Now’s my chance thought John. As the girl turned her head to the right he went to the left and pulled the damp handkerchief from his pocket and raised it to the girls mouth. Just like that she was out. Why am I doing this? He thought doubtfully. You are doing this because it’s unfair how she has a perfect life and you have a horrible life he thought angrily. He lifted her body up of the ground and brought it to his van but her in the trunk and tied her wrist and feet