Creative Writing: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Words: 262
Pages: 2

During a beautiful day, Rose and her family were driving down the street, on their way to their campsite. Because they had been driving for hours on end, they were incredibly tired. Needing to break the monotony, they began to sing, but were soon halted when the sudden noise of thunderous thumping, which sounded like dinosaurs, filled the air. Ominously, there was no source.
“Aghhhh!” The pedestrians, who were as scared as mice in a mouse trap, ferociously screamed. Bump! Crash! One car was kicked violently across the road while others followed. Annihilating the street, the creature had decided to stay transparent. On highway 284, danger had struck.
“Mom? What’s happening?” The child in the backseat asked, shaking from fear.
Because she