Criminal Justice System: Difference Between Individual Rights And Public Order

Words: 536
Pages: 3

The criminal justice system is always facing problems between individual rights and public order. It must balance them out and give the citizens the rights they are suppose to have. However, Individual rights and public order are two different things and have different meanings in the criminal justice system. Individual rights are "those who seek to protect the personal freedoms within the process of the criminal justice system", whereas public order are " those who believe that under circumstances involving criminal threat to public safety, the interest of society should take precedence over individual rights". Many laws and regulations have been put into place to balance the two opposing rights through out the history of America.
Individual rights was accompanied by a dramatic increase in reported criminal activity. Although sometimes the researchers doubted the reports of official accounts reports from the FBI traditional crimes like rape, murder, and assault increased during the 1970's and into the 1980's. Some analysts of American culture suggested that the combination of newfound freedoms and long-pent-up hostilities of the socially and economically deprived worked to produce social disorganization which in
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As in public order main focus is the safety of the public and how there is certain laws that have to be obeyed. In my opinion I think that both are very important to the criminal justice because citizens have their rights to be in this country and there is certain things that have to be followed. Of course no one would like to live in a chaotic place where everything is okay to do but that is when public order comes into place to keep everyone safe from certain crimes that may happen. Individual rights and public order still have