Critical Analysis Of Bad Boss

Submitted By anphil09
Words: 1232
Pages: 5

Chaaz Oree Intro to Management
Critical Analysis on Bad Bosses: What Kind Are You? By Jeff Schmidt, Business week 1/19/11.

I selected Bad Bosses: What Kind Are You? By Jeff Schmidt, published in Business Week because I hold a personal interest in "Leading and Management "skills"". Being employed in a variety of industries I have reported to and/or worked directly under different levels of Management and/or Ranks of an Organization. I have experienced and witnessed many but interesting "leadership, managing, and supervising" techniques. I have been critical one way or another to each individual way of leading a person or group, some good criticism and some constructive criticism .Criticizing should do one of two things to or for someone in a leadership position. Constructive criticism should be used to soul search, grow, and make oneself a better "leader" given that there is some validity and relation to the criticism. Good criticism should be used to maintain ones leadership skills and/or enhance them or motivate them to do better while motivating others to do better as well. Although I have my own opinions about how one leads their team, there is a time, place and manor to speak of these opinions. Always being the "go-to" person for advice on how to express oneself, I have always seemed make one aware of how to deal with situations both home and in the work place, after all, who am I?? I consider myself not only a hard worker but an "observer", one who takes heed to all displeasing things in the work place relating to leadership. I don’t need power but knowledge. If ever I decide to pursue a leadership position, I’ve learned enough and still making note of, the "Do's and Don’ts" when trying to lead a successful organization in addition to being fair and respected all at once. Whether you’re a quiet person, out outspoken or opinionated you have in way or another passed some sort of judgment or criticism toward your superiors. You may have had a private conversation about him or her with a coworker, member, or colleague. You may even be the type to disassociate yourself from others to avoid any conflict. No matter how you express it or if you express it at all you have an opinion. There will always be someone like myself who stands up for what’s right of course an appropriate way but most of all when it’s appropriate. Sometimes it seems standing up means just for yourself but sometimes ends up being for others or the "spokesperson" for an entire department. Likewise there will always be one or a group of people or employees who only speak behind closed doors and wish not to comment during company/department meetings or one-on-ones(which is the appropriate time) .They want to avoid any consequence there may be for speaking on an unjust action or decision. I have always felt strongly that those who experience wrong doing, unfair and unjustness shouldn't be penalized for speaking on it or offering a just solution. I believe it’s necessary and effective to discuss opposing views and /or unjust or unfair treatment. It may mean the success or failure of the organization if it isn't addressed and a cycle is broken. We may think leadership figures are aware and realize when they are being unfair and unjust, that isn't always the case. Most of the time it takes someone on the outside looking in to bring these flaws to the surface for them to realize that maybe they could have take a more effective and fair approach to solving the problem. So our opinions and/or suggestions as employees are the very things that an organization should value and realize it’s what we think, feel and experience that makes it grow or create or amend policies. The article presents 30 different terms and descriptions about leading techniques. In the work world we can speak about our likes and dislikes, but can we come up with the technical terms to describe our bosses? If we had one word to