Critical Review Of Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God

Words: 304
Pages: 2

In Richard Wright’s Between Laughter and Tears, Wright offers a critical review of Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God that is both inaccurate and flawed. Not only does Wright include details in his review that are objectively false, but he also downplays the complexity of Hurston’s characters and criticizes their simplicity. Before harshly criticizing Their Eyes Were Watching God, Wright briefly summarizes the novel in order to give context. However, Wright does so falsely: “After twenty years of clerking for her self-made Jody, Janie found herself a frustrated widow of forty” (Wright, Between Laughter and Tears). Wright’s claim that Janie was a “frustrated widow” after Jody died is clearly incorrect, as after her husband’s