Criticisms: Gospel of Mark and New Testament Essay

Submitted By LilyEvans77
Words: 340
Pages: 2

Adde Plemmons
New Testament Survey
31 August 2013

Textual Criticism Textual Criticism makes sense of the wording of the original Greek text in the New Testament because none of the original manuscripts exist. There are six different types of manuscripts throughout the New Testament. The first and earliest are called papyri after the paper on which they were printed. The second are called unical because they were written in all capital letters. The third, miniscule as they were small of print and in cursive. The fourth are called versions or translations because they were translated from Greek to Latin. The fifth are those parts of the New Testament that were put into Church writers own writings. The final type is known as lectionaries as they were the passages read aloud at church services. In Textual Criticism there are two types of evidence. External, which is all the manuscripts considered together, and internal, which are all the indications inside a document.
Source Criticism
Source Criticism is the study of how some documents in the New Testament draw information from other sources either inside or outside the New Testament. Most of the material in the Gospels were passed down orally for quite a long time before they were written down. Therefore, none of the Gospels were actually written by eyewitnesses. The Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are the center of most Source Criticism.
Form Criticism There are two components to Form Criticism, the