Crooked Spine Case Study

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Pages: 2

What You Need To Know About the Crooked Spine
Kensey Thomas
Medical Terminology
J. Hodge

Scoliosis typically occurs when your spinal cord isn’t balanced. Usually referred to your frontage plane, sagittal plane, or both combined. In this case, an older man with Parkinson’s disease had a condition known as the head drop and camptocormia. With his head extended, he was still staring at the ground. He ended up getting the SPO surgery which helped straighten out his spinal cord.

Head ptosis is usually known as the head drop, which is known as DHS. It is where the chin sits on the chest. This is a quite rare condition to develop. It has been known that weakness in the paraspinal muscles has lead to camptocormia. ( et al., 2003) The spinal cord can’t be fixed by one’s own free will. (Martin, Reddy, & Fehlings, 2011) This abnormality typically makes it hard to carry on everyday life.
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This man was diagnosed with head drop and camptocormia. When he was resting normally, his head would be on his chest and he would be looking at the ground. He went to see Dr. Powers and they decided that we would be having the SPO surgery. SPO stands for Smith Petersen’s Osteotomy. SPO is the most common and easiest surgery to perform. You can usually expect to have a 5 to 10 degree correction to the spinal cord. Basically in the procedure that was preformed, Dr. Powers took out a small piece of the bone, working around the man’s nerves and placed rods and screws to the spinal cord, which then fuses the bones together. Once the surgery is performed it straightened the man’s back and gave him more flexibility, making it easier to follow through with