Crouching Tiger Film Analysis

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Pages: 4

The film Crouching Tiger is an extraordinary Chinese film depicting the rich culture and a profound history of China. The film expresses various aspects of Chinese culture with lots of action, drama, and music. It is a classic Chinese movie about love, loyalty, honor, self-respect, and personal liberty. The film begins with Mu Bai’s (a legendary swordsman) decision to give up his warrior life and give his sword to Sir Te’s estate with the help of his friend Shu-lien. Later on the sword gets stolen by Jen Yu (governor’s daughter) various times, as she thinks that having an invaluable sword will make her a greatest warrior of China. The film is about the Jen Yu’s fight for personal freedom from her family, society, and from her own culture. It is not merely a Chinese martial arts film of warrior chasing each other or fighting scenes, it also exhibits ethics and values of the rich Chinese culture. The film has given me a broader insight of Chinese culture through presenting the deeply rooted martial arts also referred as Wushu, …show more content…
It is clearly depicted in the beginning of the storyline, where Jade Fox was denied to learn Wudan (martial art style) from the master of Wudang mountain for being a woman. Which explains that ancient China was a male-dominated society at some extent. Jen Yu, the young woman is forced to get married, which was against her wish. She desires to be free from cultural norms and morals of society which restrict her personal freedom. Although, Shu-lien was a warrior, she was living her life as per society’s expectations and strict morals. Jen’s desire was to be a fighter and to live a freewheeling lifestyle, but females were not allowed to live the life they desired to live in ancient China. Additionally, women were excluded in learning the highest level of martial arts, which shows the disparity of gender roles in ancient Chinese