Cs 1101 Unit 5 Research

Words: 514
Pages: 3


1. What is the difference between a. and a. any_lowercase1(s): This function checks if any character in the string s is lowercase. It uses a for loop to iterate through each character in s. If the character is lowercase, it immediately returns True. If the character is not lowercase, it returns False. However, there is a flaw in this function. It only checks the first character and returns a result without checking the rest of the characters. So, if the first character is lowercase, it will return True even if there are uppercase characters in the string. To demonstrate this, an example argument that produces incorrect results would be "Hello". The function would return True, even though not all characters are lowercase.

2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? any_lowercase2(s): This function always returns the string value of 'True' because it checks if the string 'c' is lowercase. The condition if 'c'.islower() will always evaluate to True because the letter 'c' is indeed lowercase. So, irrespective of the input string, it will always return the string 'True'. This function does not correctly check for lowercase letters.
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What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? any_lowercase3(s): This function checks if the last character in the string s is lowercase. It uses a for loop to iterate through each character, storing the result of c.islower() in the variable flag. After looping through all the characters, it returns the value of flag. The issue with this function is that it only checks the last character in the string. So, if the last character is lowercase, it will return True even if there are uppercase characters in the string. To demonstrate this, an example argument that produces incorrect results would be "WORD". The function would return True, even though not all characters are