Cuban Missile Crisis Process Paper

Words: 433
Pages: 2


Shubham Dixit, Tanmay Haldiya, and Karthik Vedula
Junior Group Website
Process Paper Word Count: 413
Website Word Count: 1140 The approach that we used to find a topic was to search historical events that had some pertinence to society. Some notable events that we found were the Cuban Missile Crisis and the border conflict with Israel and Palestine. Then, after we got some possible topics, we narrowed down the field using some criteria, such as amount of information and broadness of the topic. This narrowed down the field to Cuban Missile Crisis because the Israel-Palestine conflict was a very broad topic which stretched a period of thousands of years. This led to the creation of our topic, the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Research was a very essential factor of our project, without research, we wouldn't have been able to complete this project. Before researching, we decided to plan out what type of information our website would be comprised of, this included crucial figures during The Cuban Missile Crisis and what the crisis was all about. Our group also decided the order of presentation of each topic. Research was started by learning about the crucial figures during the time period, Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, and Nikita Khruschev were just a few of the figures who we learned about. We also decided to research about what the Cuban Missile Crisis was all about and the importance it had in history; this was vital because this is what links the topic to the theme, Conflict and Compromise. Essentially, our
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We wanted to find out what it is like to make a website for ourselves. Since an option for presentation was Website, we found this as the perfect opportunity to try something new. Creating our website was rather simple because Weebly was interactive and easy to use. Before creating the website, we planned out how we would organize our