Culpability In Macbeth

Words: 275
Pages: 2

Undergoing an episode of culpability could result in a decision that needs to be made. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth pushes himself into deeper guilt after he sees the ghost of Banquo at the table, while the guests surround him during this hallucinogenic episode. Lady Macbeth becomes tense and tries to send excuses to the guest’s ways. Ultimately, she tells them to leave because Macbeth cannot be around men when he has certain “outbreaks”. At this instant, Macbeth discusses to Lady Macbeth about visiting the witches because he wants to know as much as he can about his future and safety. A river of blood is a symbol for a guilt trip that Macbeth has encountered for so long. He states, “I am in blood/ Stepp’d in so far that, should I wade