culture chapter 1 Essay

Submitted By jeaneejohnson74
Words: 1276
Pages: 6

ALH 1150 Health Care Issues
Tips for Successful Caregiver/Patient Interaction across Cultures
Study Guide/Homework Fill in the blank:
1. The ____golden rule__ ___ of “Do unto others…..” does not work across cultures.
2. In most countries, a greater distance between ___caregiver_________ and _____patient_ is maintained throughout the relationship. Except when treating _____children____ or __very young adults__, it’s best to use the patient’s last name when addressing them.
3. By which ____name_______ would you like me to call you?
4. A patient who refuses to __look you in the eye____________ may be doing so, not to hide information, but to show his or her ____respect_________.
5. Should a caregiver treat a patient as an equal, the caregiver would __lose status_______ in the patient’s eyes. The caregiver would also lose status in the patient’s eyes by attempting to include the patient in the ______medical-decision making_______ process.
6. Adopt a line of questioning that will help you determine some of the patient’s ______central beliefs about health, illness and illness prevention_________.
7. Often patients are ___afraid________ to tell Western caregivers that they are visiting ______a faith_______ or _________folk healer___________ or ---taking an alternative medicine--_________ concurrently with Western treatment because in the past they have experienced __________ridicule_________ by doing so.
8. If a patient believes that the illness has been caused by embrujado (___bewitchment___) or someone casting an______evil eye__________ on him or her, or as a _punishment____________ for something that has been done, the patient is not likely to take any ________responsibility___________ for his or her cure.
9. By saying something like, many of my _______patients_____ from Africa believe in supernatural healers, ____Do you?_________.
10. If you can involve the family in both _____decision-making process______ and ____treatment plan________, there is greater ______likelihood________ of gaining the ___patient’s compliance________ with the course of _____treatment__________.
11. In Navajo culture, for example, where the word is thought to ______precipitate the deed__________ and ___not the other way around___, even a discussion of __possible negative outcomes__ may be considered a form of “____making the bad happen_____.”
12. The “need to _know_______” is a uniquely American trait.

Short answers:
1. What should be incorporated into your treatment if not contraindicated? The elements of the patient’s folk medication and folk beliefs
2. What should not be gone over in depth with Navajo patients? A negative prognosis
3. How should you introduce yourself and why? Formally, title and last name/ to maintain a professional relationship
4. What 4 questions you should ask your patient of another culture to determine beliefs, etiquette and practices? Ask what the patient believes caused to illness, ask how the patient believes they can be cured, ask whom else the patient consulted, and ask how the medical decisions are made in their culture
5. You should never assume:
The patient will be familiar with a particular type of medical test or procedure
6. Before prescribing a dietary regime what questions should you ask?
Ask what the patient usually eats, how often and what time of day the meals are eaten
7. List 10 ways to communicate directly with limited-English-speaking patients and why each is important.
a. speak slowly , not loud the patient can hear but might not understand
b. face the patient and make extensive use of gestures, pictures and facial expressions they are good indicators of comprehension
c. avoid difficult and uncommon words/ idiomatic expressions they can be confusing
d. don’t use unnecessary words or information some cultures keep negative prognosis hidden