Cumulative Trauma Essay

Submitted By lilone433
Words: 400
Pages: 2

Cumulative Trauma Cumulative trauma affects the back, wrists, hands, arms, shoulders and legs. What is cumulative trauma? Well it is a group of muscular conditions that result from repeated motions performed in the course of daily actives; meaning awkward motions. It develops over time. Carpal tunnel syndrome is what I have from factory work and typing. Symptoms would be: numbness in the hands and fingers, pain that is worse at night, swelling of the hands or wrists and fluttering of the fingers can be symptoms as well. My fingers will at times cramp as well. To diagnose there are two simple tests; one is the Median nerve test and the Phalen test. Treatment there is physical therapy and identification and cessation of the repetitive motion to rest the wrist and hand. I use a splint when mine is bad, but other treatment could be anti-inflammatory drugs or ice pack. Some may get an oral corticosteroid or a local injection in the affected area by an experienced clinician to help relieve symptoms quickly. Thoracic outlet syndrome or TOS causes someone to experience pain in the arm. Paresthesia of the fingers also is experienced; with weakness and diminished grasp capability in the fingers and thumb. Small muscles of the hand may start to waste to waste away. Diagnosis is made by evaluating the clinical findings, history, and physical examination. Treatment is the cessation of any continued hyper abduction of the arm to help relieve the