DBQ Essay: What Is It About The American Revolution?

Words: 341
Pages: 2

What is it about the American Revolution, that makes everyone so interested? Maybe, it's the factors that led up to it. The war was started by two very important actions by the British. Two british actions that the colonists thought were unfair were the high taxes without colonist representation in the British Parliament and the quartering of British soldiers in colonial buildings.
The Americans thought that these taxes were too unfair because it was not right for the colonists to be taxed without representation. “We have no representation in the British Parliament...The Stamp Act is against the law.” (Doc. 1) As for quartering, many of the colonists had to give their homes to the British soldiers. No need to explain why this was a very unfair action towards colonists. This was claimed to be a way to get the colonists to settle and calm down. This did the exact
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On the night of the Boston Tea Party, many colonists dressed up as Indians and raided the ships Dartmouth, The Beaver, and Eleanor with British tea. ¨...We then were ordered by our commander to open the hatches and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard,¨ (Doc. 5). This was a way of telling the British how they felt about the high tea taxes. In today’s money, the damages cost $1,700,000. The colonists also boycotted many other British goods, because of the taxes raised on them. For example, court documents, land, wills, and amusements. So, this goes to show that the American Revolution was very difficult for both the colonists and the British. From the colonist raiding multiple ships during the Boston Tea Party, to the British making colonists quarter soldiers in their home, the war between the two left a remarkable scar in history. The retaliation of the colonists led the country to become more independent. This led to the growth of our country, the United States of