DBQ: The Deadly Earthquake Of Bohol

Words: 361
Pages: 2

The Deadly Earthquake

In 2013, a 7.1 Earthquake hit Bohol. It destroyed over 250 houses and killed a total of 185 people, and also injured thousands (Document A). It was very hard for everyone, because after the big one, there were 2,211 aftershocks. The lives of over 3 million peopmes (Document E). People needed to collect as much as possible because the cost of everything was over 42 million dollars in damage that needs to fixed. (Document A) Many people did what they can to survive by collecting goods.
Many people did lots of other things to help. People did what they could to spread the word to people that could help. In document B, a man sent a message to everyone explaining and telling them what had happened in Bohol. People would make