DBQ: The French Revolution

Words: 604
Pages: 3

Robespierre, “Any law which violates the inalienable rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical; it is not a law at all.” The French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in 1799. The French Revolution was the product of economic, social, and political problems. The French helped the colonies break away from the reign of the British. The French payed for the expenses that the war caused. The French Revolution caused due to a lack of representation of the 3rd Estate in government, unfair taxes, and social ideals created by the Age of of enlightenment. The French Revolution was started by people wanting a voice and to be part of the country’s politics. “In order to assure the third estate the influence it deserves because of it numbers… …show more content…
“The conditions of France alone did not bring the overthrow of the monarchy…”(Doc 5). Lord Acton meant that the people of France were treated the worst they could be and that that wasn’t what caused the revolution. “The Third Estate is the People and the People is the foundation of the State…”(Doc 6). Comte D’Antraigues wrote this meaning the people are the base of France in every way and the people are not being treated as the majority. “The suffering of the people had not been greater than they had been before.”(Doc 5). Lord Acton added another view as that the people had been treated this way since the Old Regime was started.
France eventually after 10 years of the French Revolution were given their voice they needed for over 200 years. The politics of the French change dramastically after the war, they now had a voice by head and had to assemble on a schedule. Economically France had started taxing the first two Estates and that allowed the commoners to afford the cost to live. Socially the people of France were looked at as the majority. The lack of representation of the third estate, the unfair taxing, and social ideals caused by the Age of Enlightenment caused the French