Daddy Daycare Movie Analysis

Words: 453
Pages: 2

Introduction and media review:
Daddy Daycare (2003) is a movie about two fathers (Charlie and his friend Phil) who have lost both of their jobs working at a food company and ended up becoming stay-at-home dads. They both have a son, Ben who is Charlie’s son and Max who is Phil’s son. In the movie, Charlie has a wife (Kim), but for Phil, he’s a single parent. With both of them being jobless, they had to remove their children from Chapman Academy and the least that they could do was take care of their son since they will no longer afford to pay for it. Chapman Academy was an expensive academic pre-school that was headed by a woman named Miss Harridan and not being able to afford Ben to go there, he had to stay home with Charlie (his dad). The main plot of this movie was when Charlie came up with the idea of running a daycare for children at his residence, with the help of his friend Phil. Although they both were inexperienced and do not know how to handle kids, they decided to give it a shot and started to pass out flyers around the neighborhood.
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When they got to the residence, little did they know that it was run by Charlie and Phil, who were both men, not women. Seeing them made parents feel concern because they were unsure about putting their child in their daycare, but at the end, those who were unsure about it was convinced and gave them a chance to prove to them that they can be good caretakers just like women. As everyone was done dropping off their kids, leaving them with Charlie and Phil, they tried to have the kids under control, but once they all started to terrorize the house, they suddenly became wrong and knew it was going to be