Dallas Winston Character Analysis

Words: 523
Pages: 3

Have you ever thought about the traits of the charter, Dallas Winston, from The Outsiders well now you will. In the novel, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton the rivalry between two gangs makes some people into bad people for instance Dallas Winston. The character Dallas Winston is a bad boy, a mean guy, and a dangerous one too. To start off Dallas Winston is a bad boy. In the book the narrative tell us more about Dally and the bad things he has done to make him how he is now,“ He had quite a reputation. They have a file on him down at the police station. He had been arrested, he got drunk, he rode in rodeos, lied, cheated, stole, rolled drunks, jumped small kids --- he did everything (page 10).” This is telling us that Dally did a lot of very bad things to any types of people but all in all it tells us he was a very bad boy. In the book it states, “Dally walked out with two packages of Kools under his jacket (page 18).” This is telling us that wherever he is going the don’t allow these types of drinks but he tried to sneak them in which is a bad thing because he could get in a lot of trouble. …show more content…
In the book it states that, “ I had a sick feeling that Dally was up to his usual tricks, and I was right. He started talking, loud enough for the two girls to hear. He started out bad and got worse (page 19).” This is telling us that Dally was being mean to the girls in front of him and saying mean things to them. According to the book it states, “Dally was bothering them and when he left they wanted us to sit with them to protect them(page 26).” This is telling us that the girl got scared because of the mean things Dally was telling them so they wanted to be safe and protected if he came back to start saying more mean and rude