Dan Buettner's Blue Zone Community

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Pages: 4

In the Ted Talk lecture, Dan Buettner discusses Blue Zones communities whose elders live to record-setting ages. Dan relayed what he and his team learned about older people living in these places. Considering Buettner’s findings in regards to the lifestyle of the elders who lived to record-setting ages. Within my community, I find that it is highly unlikely that any of my peers can adapt to habits regularly practiced by the people in these communities, the biggest challenges would be in the areas of physical activity, everyday lifestyles and eating habits.
Listening to Buettner discuss the average American, life some may argue that dieting, exercising, supplements and maybe even spirituality may play a big role in a long life. This can cause a lot of debate when it comes to longevity. According to Buettner, and his colleagues, the first
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The first blue zone was about one hundred and twenty- five miles off the coast of Italy, on the Island of Sardinia in the highlands, an area called Nuoro, province, in this region, men live the longest. This blue zone is a place where some the age of one hundred and two -year- olds ride their bikes to work. The environment that I live in, most people have cars, take cabs or use some form of public transportation. Riding a bike to work would be a huge lifestyle change that my peers would have a hard time adapting to.