Dangers Of Technology Threats To America

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Pages: 4

Although technology has a possibility to become a threat to the nation, it may be the least of worries. In the world today there has been many threats to the American people, however very few are because of the internet. Sure, threats happen all over the internet about things that are going to happen, but one should look at it as a heads-up. It becomes a bigger problem when threats go around saying that a website will be hacked, that could possibly have someone's life savings. On the flip side there are things that are put up on the internet that are too personal, that could lead to a threat. “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence” (Dredge). The internet is very useful and incredibly smart, but it cannot be much smarter than the person operating the computer. The internet can give off wonderful information, …show more content…
Using the technology that we have access to today is becoming a good thing, because it is advancing the world and bringing it up to pace. The internet has helped locate bombs, threats, and terrorists groups in the country just in the last couple of months. There are so many helpful things that come in hand with using the internet wisely. Without technology nobody in America would have known about the deadly shootings in Paris, which in turn can affect the United States as well. Technology has always been a double-edged sword, since fire kept us warm but also burned down our villages” (Kurzweil). As shown lately, technology really can do both good and bad things. With the help of this convenient tool, the news becomes international. While serving its purpose, it is keeping the US citizens some-what safe. Except for the fact that is may cause arguments because of the false information that is put up daily. If one were to believe the crazy information out on the internet, is true, there is our problem. It is not the internet that seems to be the problem, but the