Database and Spreadsheet Essay

Submitted By samirbhoir
Words: 1717
Pages: 7

College of Technology London | DATABASE AND SPREADSHEET | Module Code: SBIT5003, Assignment 1 | Date: 15th April, 2011 – Word Count : 1496Term 3 | SAMIR BHOIR |
STUDENT ID: 105065-83
UWL ID: 29002700/1

Submitted to:
Dr. Jin Wu |

Table of Content 1.0 Introduction: 3
2.0 Database Elements 3 2.1 Queries 3 2.2 Reports 4 2.3 Attributes 4
3.0 Standard Approaches of DB Design: 4 3.1 Entity – Relationship Diagram: 4 1) Entity 4 2) Primary Key 4 3) Relational Database 5
4.0 Table Structures 7 4.1 Patient Table 7 4.2 Booking 8 4.3 Therapist 8 4.4 Therapy Type 10
5.0 Conclusion 11
6.0 References 12

1.0 Introduction:
This Report is totally based on Database system and is explaining about creation of database with help of Therapy Clinic database, in which element of database such as Query, forms, attributed and reports are very well explained. Also different approaches of database are been discussed such as E-R diagram, Here the Relationship structure is been demonstrated with the help of Entity Relationship Diagram.
Database basically means the collection of data which is properly managed and stored such that it can be retrieved very fast as said by Author Parsons and Oja. Database can be in structured and free form, Phone book in our mobiles phones is an example of structured database whereas any document stored on our personal computer is called as free form of database, or even a CD which normally comes with any magazine or newspaper is a free form of database, the documents we find on internet are also termed as free from of database. The Structured database will always have files, records, fields which are appropriately organized. In structured database record contains entity which has field such as person, place, thing or any event (Parsons and Oja, 2008)
However Author Ramez Elmasri and Sham Navathe says that Database is the collection of recorded facts, and the typical database will always represent real aspect of world, Database and data base software together forms a database system. Here they classified data in to structured and unstructured data.
Database management system generally consists of Access, SQL server, and MySQL the practical example of Database management system is the CTL student information systems and the account management systems in CTL.
2.0 Database Elements Database Design generally follow the Hierarchy such as Database server, Database application system, Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports and Modules, here tables consists of fields and records. Database Design is the process of creating design for a database that will maintain the enterprises operations and objectives and gather the enterprises information needs.
2.1 Queries
In Database system the mechanism used to retrieve the required information from the stored data is called as Queries in Database system. Queries are generally in question form which is presented to database in proper format to get right information. Usually Structured Query Language (SQL) is used for standard query format.
2.2 Reports
In order to print the information required in the database is produced using Reports, which are generally designed automatically using database tools. Reports are generally required if hard copy of particular information from database is required (Database Report, 2011).

2.3 Attributes
Attributes in the database represent the characteristics or value with respect to the database relation. They are explicit values such as quality or any particular characteristic. Attributes in database are referred to fields and columns in the table. It is used to identify the entity. Attributes are generally of two types Composite attributes and Derived attributes. Attributes that can be composed of other attributes is called Composite attributes, whereas the