Date Rape - A felony Essay

Submitted By tzenz984
Words: 905
Pages: 4

Date Rape—A Felony Date rape –the crime of forcing someone you know to have sex with you. Whether it is a good friend, boyfriend or someone that you briefly know while on a date. That is the most often occurred way date rape happens—as for the name “date rape”. It usually happens when the victim is drugged by some sort or under the influence of alcohol. Date rape causes physical and emotional harm to the victim ("Rape and Date Rape"). It is a brutal act of violence and control that a person is not likely to escape from. A majority of the people who have been a victim of date rape does not report the incident which is a felony. It can happen just as often to men as it does women, there are many different date rape drugs, and there are all sorts of ways to deal with this situation if you are ever effected by it. The vast majority of the time date rape will happen while the person is drugged or under the influence of alcohol. Some of the most common drugs used are: GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid), ketamine and rohypnol (known as roofies) Most of these are colorless, odorless, and have no flavor making it easy to slip into ones mixed drink. Some of the symptoms consist of: dizziness, loss of consciousness, memory, hallucinations, loss of coordination and sleepiness. It may be quite easy for something to slip into ones drink if left unattended. Alcohol on the other hand, interferes the communication from your nerve cells to all your other cells causing your brain to react slower. Drinking too much at a time may result in memory loss which causes a person not to remember everything that may have happened. Starting out with someone buying you a few drinks could easily result in someone feeling the effects of alcohol making them want more and the symptoms will be higher. These are many reasons on why a person should be careful no matter why they are with on dates and be aware of what could happen. When date rape occurs, the victim does not come to the conclusion that it is rape because of the fact that they know the person. As if it were a stranger or someone not known very well, you would go straight to the conclusion that it was rape. Even though this happens to girls more than guys, it can still happen to guys. It may be easier for a man to rape a women because of strength if the victim tries to fight it but it can still happen either way. Guys also do not recognize that it is date rape either because the thought that they were on a date and they know them. The point is that men and women at various ages can be a victim of date rape or the offender. There are many different ways to cope or get help after someone has been a victim of date rape. Something that should be done right away is go to the emergency room to hopefully get evidence and also counseling for being a date rape victim. A good idea is to write down everything that has happened after the event once you remember it if you have been drugged or under the influence of alcohol. This way when you call and report it to the police you