Essay on DBQ 2

Submitted By mattmec
Words: 807
Pages: 4

Matt McClelland
Mr. Ritter
Period 6-7
September 20th, 2014
The French and Indian War reshaped the political, economic, and ideological relationship between Britain and its American colonies in many ways. The relationship was altered politically due to Britain’s control of the eastern coastline, economically on how British policies after 1763 were designed to raise revenue to pay for the cost of British debt, and ideologically because American colonists views on the relationship between Britain and the colonies.
The British completely annihilated the French, leaving them in control of the entire eastern coastline, creating an extreme change in North America. In (Document A, North America before 1754 and after 1763) it shows the increase of English control. Britain had to not only govern their own land, but also that of the colonies. The British were in extreme debt. This allowed monarchs to accuse colonists for their loss of revenue. The British believed that, since they so called protected the colonists, they should be repaid.
After 1763, Britain was in need for revenue to pay for the French and Indian War. Britain was mischievous on finding ways to raise revenue from the colonies. From 1650 to the end of the French and Indian War was a period of "neglect". Britain was not involved that much in the lifestyle of the colonies. After the French and Indian War, Mercantilism became strictly enforced. Mercantilism was a form of raising revenue from the colonies. The colonies could only trade with Great Britain and would import more than they exported. Under George Greenville was the solution to Britain’s debt. It was to directly tax the colonies. The Stamp Act was passed by British Parliament to tax the colonies on all printed material from newspapers and wills to marriage licenses and playing cards. This put the colonies through a lot of trouble. In (Document H. Newspaper masthead, October 1765),It states times as "Dreadful, Doleful, Dismal, Dollar-Less". This shows the impact on the thoughts of the colonists. It also displays a stamp with a skull and cross bone on it. Also in (Document G, Benjamin Franklin letter to John Hughs August 9, 1765) Benjamin Franklin writes " repealed". This shows that Franklin did not like the stamp act at all and wanted it to get repealed. Colonists and the British had different opinions on the relationship between Britain and the colonies. In (Document E..Rev. Thomas Barnard, sermon, Massachusetts, 1763) he states "Mother..rescued..protected us". This shows the ideas on how some people felt about the French and Indian War. Some, such as Rev. Thomas, felt that Britain was doing what was best for the colonies by protecting them.
The Massachusetts soldier’s diary shows that the soldier is tired of the British not giving him the freedom he deserves. The soldier was born an Englishmen but he is realizing what the colonists have to go through. The colonists have to be basically slaves to their officers. The soldier and his regiment swore that they wouldn’t fight here anymore. It showed a negative side to the war, by stating “Good liquors…Keep spirits”. This shows how soldiers turned to alcohol