Essay about DBQ 2

Submitted By alejov16
Words: 790
Pages: 4

Alexis Jovanovic
H Period

DBQ With the Articles written in 1777 they were ratified-- put into effect-- in 1781. The Articles intentionally created a weak central government, had no national president, and all the 13 states had one vote in a unicameral congress—one house. Also only gave the national government the power to settle disputes between the states. Articles also stated that the government could not tax citizens or states. In order to make a law nine out of the thirteen states had to approve. In order to amend all thirteen states had to agree. Between the time periods of 1781-1789 the Articles of confederation provided the states with an ineffective government. In Document A, the letter from the Rhode Island Assembly to Congress shows how the articles lacked in commerce and economics. Rhode Island stated they rejected and the reasons as to why they did. Their first reason was that it would be unequal to commercial states, such as Rhode Island themselves which gets most of its money from commerce. Second that unknown and unaccountable officials to them, is also against the constitution of the state itself. Finally they address congress is able to take money indefinitely, for no set amount, no set time to collect the money, and they are not held accountable for how they spend the money. At the end they state that it is offensive and objectionable to the liberty of the United States. Likewise to commerce, economics was an issue. The colonial boycotts hurt trade; everyone expected the economy to improve after their independence. They were paying off debts, collecting taxes, halting inflation, and generating a favorable balance of trade—foreign and domestic. After the war with Britain the United States had $40 million in war debt in 1783. Trade also a major issue in that congress was unable to create a favorable balance of trade. The states ended up creating their own tariffs, lack of hard currency in the states, the desire for cheap British goods was high, and the English prohibited its Caribbean colonies from trading with the US. In 1787 however Shay’s Rebellion was a convincing event that led to the Constitutional convention of 1787. In West poor farmers were angered over high taxes and the prospect of debtor’s jail. This caused the Nationalists to call for a stronger central government and constitutional amendments. Twelve of the thirteen states agreed besides Rhode Island. Another example that shows how the Articles of Confederation were ineffective was in Document C in how the states army was paid. The document was a letter from Delegate Joseph Jones of Virginia to Washington. He states that the army feels that justice will not be given to them with the delay of their paychecks and bonuses. Also states that creditors must know the insufficiency of congress to pay their demands. This caused the army to challenge the congress so they can meet financial obligations. State legislatures rejected amendments and on March 10, Washington’s soldiers met. However Washington