dbq 5 Essay

Submitted By unforgetable_liz
Words: 512
Pages: 3

Women and Blacks had the same, yet different problems. They had rights taken away from them, as shown in the picture [Doc B] although some of these rights were different. During this revolution, Blacks were starting to gain more rights and freedoms. As this was happening, Women wanted their rights as well, because if blacks get their rights and freedoms, then women can get their rights and freedoms as well. Therefore, the Second Great Awakening and the Antebellum Market Revolution played huge roles in affecting women’s role in the society. In the nineteenth century, some people began to speak out for social changes in America. Women began to speak out for more equal treatment, leaders like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott helped obtain this cause. Elizabeth and Lucretia spearheaded the first women’s right convention in America history. This convention was called The Seneca Falls Convention, which men and women came to protest the mistreatment of women in social, economic, political, and religious life. This convention had helped women everywhere progressively start getting their independence. The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions issued by the Convention, which was modeled after the Declaration of Independence, detailed the "injuries and usurpations" that men had inflicted upon women and demanded that women be granted all of the rights stating that “she is as fully entitled as a man to vote and to be eligible to office…” [Doc I]. Women’s right movement had some involvement with women suffrage. Women's suffrage was so radical a concept that women themselves feared it as a threat to the foundation of American society. Opposition to women's suffrage took varied shapes in different countries. Politicians feared that enfranchised women might vote them out of office. Conditions in the 1830s provoked women to press for suffrage; they were increasingly in the factory labor force, but were not treated equally. Progressive men who struggled for such cause as temperance, abolition and educational reform realized they needed women's support. Suffragists were usually advocates