Dbq Andrew Jackson

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Pages: 4

The 1800s was a time of change and uncertainty, which followed the ways of the leaders at the time. They shaped the mold for the way the World is today. Of course some things could be different, but we must learn our history so we will not repeat it again. Around the early 1800s in America major conflicts grew into the government which led to multiple political divisions and that led to the man we as Old Hickory to make the decisions he made. Andrew Jackson was the president of the US between 1829-1837, and no presidency could be more conflicted than that. As Jackson’s term presidency grew on more conflicts piled up on the White House’s doorstep; although he protected the rights of African Americans he disgraced the Indians, abused his political …show more content…
Although Jackson had created the equality amongst blacks risking their lives he may not have been all that true towards his liking to that race. In Document 13 a graph states that as the 1800s grew on the number of slaves grew that were under his ownership. Document 12 and 13 are also both dated towards the 1820s which shows that at the time of his call for more African Americans to serve he holded around 50 slaves. Only a tyrant would lie to his people with the false morals …show more content…
Of course the interference would be stated in between the lines however, because the government, mainly including Jackson, thought that they could do anything and thought that everything they did was right. They of course were wrong. Even in an artist’s depiction of Jackson it shows him dressed as a king holding a veto standing on the Constitution, the Bank Charter, and the Judiciary book (Document 3). Everything he draws about is completely true. He destroyed the bank, he disregarded the Constitution, the one thing that gives him his job, and worst of all he couldn’t even do his job. “The seeds of jealousy and ill-will against the government of which its author is the official head”(Document 5). Daniel Webster states that not only is this out of hatred and not politics, but is an imbecilic move. With one signature Jackson had created a depression for the country cared for. “It is easy to conceive that great evils to our country… might flow from such a concentration of power in the hands of a few men irresponsible to the people”(Document 4). This quote shared by Jackson to Congress illustrates perfectly his reflection on himself. He calls men irresponsible yet he does not know one thing about the bank, he calls men evil yet he killed thousands of Indians. Why? Not only does he lie but he creates a reality for himself and his followers that he can do