Dbq Imperialization Essay

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Pages: 2

If imperialization didn’t exist today’s world would be a lot different then what it is. Imperializing other countries made a huge impact today and back then. There is many negative and positive effects of imperalizing. The country that is being impearalized usually has something the other country needs for manufacturing or farming. Usually the county that is impearalizing is stranger than the one being imperarilized which is the weak country in the continent.

There were many reasons powerful nations impearalized weaker ones. One was they wanted resources to use for their factories or other needs. Also, the conquered people became more nationalistic and united as one (OI). The people impearalizing also had the weaker people do the work of the powerful nation (Doc. A). The three main reasons for impearalizing was God, Glory, and Gold. The God was the people saying convert to christanity and they were given the gift from god. Glory is nationalism and creating expensive things for bragging rights. Gold is the stuff they stole (resources) for their profit and well being.
There were many positive and negative effects for both the imperial nations and the Imperialized nations. Some positives for the stronger
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Although it had its positives and negatives. I don’t think that it should have been allowed. Countries shouldn’t be able to take over another country and impearalize them till they get what they want. You should get what you worked for, not let it be stolen from you. Like England had impearalized many nations and took their resources to better themselves (Doc. 1). The world could be different if it wasn’t for imperaralization but could have been better than today and not like the world is now. Impearalinzing caused many wars and devastating drops in the population. We could be at peace with many countries and wouldn’t have as much tension than we do now in todays world