Dbq Missouri Compromise

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Pages: 2

The circumstances that resulted in the Missouri Compromise includes the Tallmadge amendment. The tallmadge amendment said that no more slave could be brought into Missouri and the gradual emancipation of children born to slaves already there. This created a tensions among the north and south. The southerners were angry with this and saw it as a threat to sectional balance and whole future of slavery. They saw it as if they abolish peculiar institution in Missouri it might do so in olders states of the South too.
What motivated the creation of the Monroe Doctrine was the autocrats started to take back control in Europe alarming the Americans. If the Europeans interfered with the New World, Republicanism would suffer irreparable harm and the
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Jackson, wanted to open Indian lands to whites and refused the court's decision to protect the Cherokees. He proposed to remove remained eastern tribes. Emigration was suppose to be voluntary but Jackson's policy uprooted 100,000 Indians. In 1830 they removed all Indian tribes living east of the Mississippi also known as the Trail of Tears.
The provisions for the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a treaty signed in response to the war against mexico. The treaty confirmed American title to Texas, yielded enormous area stretching to Oregon, the ocean, embracing California, the total expansion was ½ of Mexico. Also in the treaty the United States agreed to pay 15 million for land and to assume claims of its citizen against Mexico.
The Wilmot Proviso reveal strong sectional differences because it brought up the controversial subject of slavery. It stated that slavery should never exist in any territory wrested from Mexico. It came to symbolize the burning issue of slavery in territories. This created a divide as always amoung the North and the South. The south disapproved of this because the feared they would be losing potential slave