De Tocqueville's Second Letter On Algeria

Words: 1096
Pages: 5

The underlying purpose of De Tocqueville’s ‘Second Letter on Algeria’ is to critique the French conquest of Algeria (1830-47). As a result, this essay aims to analyse De Tocqueville’s ‘Second Letter on Algeria’ as to provide insight into the nature of the French conquest of Algeria and the conquest’s repercussions for the French Empire. To develop this analysis; this essay examines a number of factors. First, this essay will place the letter into context; through analysing contextual information, this essay aims to understand the contemporary factors that motivated De Tocqueville to publish this letter. Second, De Tocqueville’s political views, especially those regarding France’s colonial ambitions provide valuable insight into the letter’s content too. Moreover, De Tocqueville’s analysis of the French Conquest of Algeria revolves around three points of contention: First, the failings of French authorities in Algeria and the resultant anarchy. Second, the fact that the French are unsuited to govern effectively and third, the threat posed by Arab opposition to the security of French rule in Algeria. Ultimately, through analysis of these factors, this essay strives to provide insight into this …show more content…
This argument revolves around the emergence of Arab opposition. For example, el-Kader is described as an anarchical figure whose power was born from anarchy and “anarchy constantly developed him’. Most interesting is De Tocqueville’s repetition of anarchy, which is most likely to accentuate the threat that el-Kader poses to French rule in Algeria. Yet De Tocqueville does attempt to diminish the threat posed by el-Kader. In fact, his tone is reverent of el-Kader. This is most likely to demonstrate the magnitude of the threat posed by el-Kader, as to encourage the French government to immediately address this