Dead Poets Society Individualism Analysis

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Pages: 3

When the unconventional English teacher, John Keating, joins Welton Academy, a shift is seen in some of his students as they become more adventurous and rebellious to societal pressures in the movie, Dead Poets Society. As the film progresses, the philosophy of Transcendentalism becomes more apparent as these schoolboys from Welton who used to follow all of their parents’ commands will eventually defy authority in order travel on their own paths. For instance, the major motif of individualism takes a forefront in both the movie and in Transcendentalism. This philosophy focuses on individualism and nonconformity and the belief that rationalism is not the way to happiness. In Dead Poets Society, individualism and nonconformity are concepts that Mr. Keating teaches to his students. He begins his first day of class showing off his personality when gives his students the option to call him “Oh Captain, My Captain” and …show more content…
Both showcase the impact of Transcendentalism on young males. As the students of Mr. Keating begin to live their lives for themselves without conforming, Chris McCandless from Into the Wild also attempts this by living his own life in the Alaskan Wilderness. However, McCandless was able to free himself of societal restraints and was successful in living out Transcendentalism until his unfortunate death while the students in the Dead Poet Society club were only able to start learning about Transcendentalism and were not as effective in carrying it out in real life as they were not able to refuse their parents’ desires as McCandless had. These stories follow Transcendentalism but recalls different experiences of it on a drastic measure. However, in the end, both this film and book had the purpose of showcasing this ideology and glamorizing those who wished to be nonconformists and travel their own path although they both prove that it can be fatal and